Donna Adams Mahaffey & Jean DiLuzio Scholarship Application
Donna Adams Mahaffey & Jean DiLuzio Scholarship Qualification Criteria for 2025
Thank you for your interest in applying for the Donna Adams Mahaffey & Jean DiLuzio Scholarship. The Scholarship Committee will award up to 6 (six) students with $3,500.00 scholarships (six students from either Riverwood International Charter School and/or North Springs High School) who meet the below requirements.
- Attend one of the two public high schools in Sandy Springs, GA (Riverwood International Charter School or North Springs High School)
- Be a senior, and have been enrolled and currently attending Riverwood or North Springs High School for at least 2 years (includes senior year)
- Have completed the FAFSA form.
- Be a US Citizen or have Permanent Resident Alien Status
- Provide a social security number, if requested
- Plan to enroll for the 2025 summer or fall semester at an accredited NON-PROFIT technical, 2-year or 4-year public college or public university in the state of Georgia. (Please refer to the following website for a list of the non-profit (i) public technical, associate degree, and (ii) public 4-year colleges and universities which are in the University System of Georgia: To receive the scholarship, the applicant must attend one of the technical, associate degree, or 4-year colleges and universities listed on this website.)
- Register to take a minimum of 6 credit hours or more
- Have a current cumulative, High School numeric average of at least 79 out of 100 or better
- If the applicant is under 18 years of age, have parent/guardian sign a consent form
- If the applicant is 18 years of age or older, sign a consent form
- Have two (2) personalized letters of recommendation from non-relative individuals (employer, teacher, religious leader, etc.) Make sure to include your name and reference information at the top of your references.
- Write an essay of 500 words or less on (i) why you have a need for financial aid, and (ii) why you want to continue your education.
** Use the essay as your opportunity to reflect your financial need and drive. Make sure your name is included at the top of your essay.
- Complete the application and consent form - print, sign (guardian if under 18 years of age), scan, and forward to
- Be willing to participate in an interview, if required
- Be willing to attend a few Sandy Springs Perimeter Chamber Civic Fund events with the other awardees
Click for 2025 Online Application
Click to Download 2025 Media Consent Form
Print, sign (guardian if the applicant is under 18 years of age), scan, and forward to  The consent form must be submitted with your application to be considered.Â
For questions or inquiries, please contact
The Scholarship Committee may request additional information. Additional information can be sent via email or mailed to:
The Donna Adams Mahaffey & Jean DiLuzio Scholarship
c/o Sandy Springs Perimeter Civic Fund
Attention: Adam Forrand
1000 Abernathy Rd. Suite L-10
Sandy Springs, GA 30328
Phone: 678.443.2990